

Scientific Proof For The Existence Of God

There is no point in discarding the concept of god.I have tried to unify the spiritual and scientific dimension of life by elucidating the existence of god in the way where the beauty of science merges with the entirety of our belief on god. Really when spiritual forces  merges with science so as to work together a  positive forces emerges in improving the lot of humanity. They, in fact, “need” each other in this quest as “science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

I thought very thoroughly as to where GOD exists? In fact god is omnipresent .His rule is commanded in different shapes but where such commander does live? I do not understand as to how long my curious thinking is nearer to truth and logic. But my wit dictates god exists where all principles of physics and ability to predict future breakdown where all forces, speed aspects become one. This is similar to what Einstein predicted in grand unification theory that all forces are actually one although they are in different forms like electrostatic force, magnetic force. Further swami Vivekananda has elaborated that “where can we go to find god if we cannot see him in our own hearts and in every living being?”

We all recognize the “AARTI(prayer)” an important aspect of worship in our daily routine life .mere one line of this Aarti has compelled me to think over god with new outlook. I attempted to constitute an intermediate way between science and spiritualism that may lead to truth. we all are well conversant with this line of AARTI that “pranwakshar ke Madhya ye teenon aika”.
Here the word “PRANWAKSHAR” signifies the universe. These three words signify “BRAHMA ,VISHNU , MAHESH”. According to Vedas Indian holy book of Aryans, the creator of this universe is BRAHMA, the protector and regulator is Vishnu, and the destroyer is Mahesh, that is three powers are the basis of life. If considered scientifically entire universe consists of ELECTRONS, PROTONS AND NEUTRONS. Here the analogous nature between science and spirituality can be hypothesized.
I believe that “BRAHMA IS PROTON”. We all know that Brahma is creator of this universe. Likewise proton is the main reason of creation of this universe. Proton has positive charge because it is Brahma and union brings creation. In the atom 99% part is constituted by nucleus which consist proton.
Further we can prove the “ELECTRONS AS VISHNU” ,Vishnu is the protector of this universe and in similar way electron also act as protector which is regulating this universe with its wide range of reactions. Electron is mainly playing role in reciprocal transmission and receipt of energy through energy exchange only entire life processes and mechanisms are present in universe. Flow of electrons constitute current a , the phenomenon of photoelectric effect and Compton effect incorporates electron which can participate in materialistic energy transmission. Due to this regular energy exchange entropy of universe is increasing. It is the prediction of 2nd law of thermodynamics that with every spontaneous reaction entropy of universe is increasing. According to Stephen Hawking “ The increase of entropy with time is one example of what is called an ARROW OF TIME and distinguishes the past from future”. Thus electron regulates thermodynamic arrow of time, which was created at Big bang.
We can recognize lord “MAHESH AS NEUTRON”. He is the destroyer of universe and he can put the creation of Brahma to an end, but simultaneously opens the new door for the revival of life. Equally neutron also collides with nucleus and generates such reactions which are sufficiently powerful to cause annihilation's. Nuclear energy is based on energy mass equivalence and neutron is in major role. likewise violent tandav (a mythological dance leading to devastation and destruction)is the symptom of the end of the world as per the cyclic changes of time .
It is the prediction of scientists that if we add more mass to neutron star to take it over Chandrasekhar limit it would collapse to infinite density known as singularity. This is rather like big bang at the beginning of time and universe. Through singularity one can enter into worm hole which is a door to another universe. Thus it denotes the collapse but simultaneously the revival of life (way or door to another universe. “PRANWAKSHAR” which means universe the derivation or origin as per wordings of aarti denotes the existence of Brahma ,Vishnu and Mahesh becomes one in the center of universe. so on this very ground i believe that effect of electron ,proton ,neutron become one somewhere in the universe. Even at this stage we can not consider them electron, proton, neutron but united power where all principles, theories and time come to end because god exists where all a discrimination's come to an end there remains only n one sovereign rule.
Does really become the existence of electron, proton and neutron one in universe?
We have come into existence by the union of electron, proton and neutron .In the beginning we were living in this universe in the said forms today the difference is this that previously we were within universe but now the universe is within us. If the universe is within us then god is also within us but we cannot feel realize and recognize this power and the existence unless we concentrate our whole energy at point after being above all discrimination's and inequalities. such point of focus within ourselves is called centre the creation and was possible when god established himself in the shapes of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh likewise proton, electron, neutron apart from their own real sovereignty constructed us .These three are the shapes of an unlimited power .Swami Vivekananda has said” it is impossible to find god outside of ourselves. our own souls contribute all of the divinity that is outside of us. we are the greatest temple .the objectification is only a faint imitation of what we see within ourselves.”

Do really electron ,proton, neutron become one in the mid of universe it is a complex question. scientists have imagined a black hole in the middle of milky -way. The existence of black hole can be also imagined in the mid of universe. The gravity of said black hole would be so strong as all materials even our would be attracted to it. As the star contracts ,the gravitational field at its surface gets stronger and light cones bend inward thus light cannot escape from it. There is evidence for black hole in a number of other systems in galaxy and for much larger black holes at the centre of other galaxies. At singularity within black hole it would be an end of time and it is possible that due to endless force therein there may be a strong store of energy and existence of electron(Vishnu),proton(Brahma),neutron(Mahesh)would become one inside black hole. Also at singularity the laws of physics breakdown thereby giving the possibility of point where science unifies with spirituality describing the OMNIPRESENT POWER GOD 

nishtha infinite

 Resource:- my inner depth, EINSTEIN UNIFICATION THEORY ,theory of everything(Stephen hawking),swami Vivekananda 


Nature is a mirror for all
Never commit an error at all
Learn essence from its role
Never callously exploit its soul
Natures emergence and divergence
Oscillating between two extremes
Life’s uncertainty and unpredictability
Resonating variable ,unconquestable twins
Darkness of woods ,greenery of leaves
Compiled within a single tree
Defines life configuration, philosophy
That life truth is happiness and tragedy
Immanent,uunceased flow of water
Encapsulates lifes twists turnovers
Water’s flexibility,uninvaded dynamicity
Inspires man to never resort to lethargy
Lofty mountains
Echo with their strength
Challenge your life as bet
Crush hurdles you often met
Man of confidence ,and optimism
Wins race initiated by dreams inside
Why lack a killer instinct
Engrave mark with an eternal ink
Heights of heaven and the sky
Harbour’s innovation and man’s eyes
Imagination rules man’s destiny
Like phoenix transforms life’s chemistry
Beautiful flowers exaggerate complete triangle
Perceive life from beautiful angle
Live interval between birth and death
With unique patience,depth and strengtha
Nishtha infinite


Universe an unfolded mystery
Where physics is unable to solve its chemisty
Who knows universe orientation
Or about its depth and conclsion
Dark matter ,black holes
Create trains of thoughts
Supernova,star and planets
Generally explores mind in zeneith
Hyperspace ,time dimensions ..
Speed of light an universal constant
Still finding a theory to explain
How many solar systems?
How many stars ?
How one can define quasar?
Scientists try to disclose all
but  couldn’t  elucidate a reason for all
discoveries ,proofs lost their validity
when universe questions about its stability
who can answer all contradictions
neither theories nor man’s fictions


A mystery or life’s ultimate chemistry
For someone
a biological truth
and an inevitable treat
but an experience unshared
that is difficult to  comprehend
Death in fact define life
Threshold of renaissance
Which purifies one’s conscience
Before happening its like fiction
But its uncertainty defines its contradiction
Life without death is like dilution
Where continuity loses its conclusion
Does death signifies end?
That one should think raptly
Life is a panoramic expedition
Where death is the ultimate destination
Without reaching  there its impossible to get salvation
But one is immortal by his deeds
Not by length or infinite breathes
Never think death as full-stop
Either consider its as an interval
Where phoenix rises from ashes
Design life in recycled faces
Nishtha infinite