

The Dark matter of Human Body:Kundalini

Our body encompasses miniature universe.In fact it is the most wonderful and mysterious gift of nature.In our body "kundalini" is considered as a sleeping, quiescent force.According to Indian science kundalini is the most awakened form that the human being can achieve.Its  the Divine Cosmic Energy in the body which makes person conscious and en lighted. 
Similarly in our universe we have heard about the term "Dark Matter".In our universe most of the matter in the galaxies is invisible which constitutes dark matter.It is the matter which cannot be seen directly but it has affect on the rotation of galaxies and other entities of universe.It is therefore the secret force of universe.
Here we can feel the symmetry between ""Dark Matter" and "kundalini".When energy manifests itself in universe part of it becomes visible and another part remains dormant and hidden which actually affects the visible universe.
In the same way the energy in human beings, ie. the energy which is truly hidden and dormant  is called the Kundalini Shakti.This energy affects our body in some mysterious way. 
 I will further explore the  symmtery between universe and our body in my coming articles..



  1. Amazing blog..I really enjoyed reading this content. Please continue posting such quality comment.

  2. Superb....We never could have thougth this way..Continue posting such enlightning blogs.Really impressed

  3. Nice blog...I regularly watch Brahma Kumari videos and realized that there something inside every one of us, a higher self, which we need to explore.
