

Krishna –The Infinite

Lord Krishna is considered as the the supreme Being and is considered as the incarnation of lord vishnu.In our culture he is the most revered and worshipped by all. Personally I consider him as a Great scientist, Philosopher and Astrophysicist.
Bhagvad Gita which is considered as the holy text book of ancient India is not only the book of greatest wisdom  but also describes the beauty of  this universe. The text was described by the Lord Krishna and has the striking similarity with the modern world quantum physics and astrophysics .Various section of this holy text clearly depicts the probabilistic nature of matter and also explains Big-Bang theory. This is really incredible and shows the how lord Krishna explained complexity of this universe with the flawless beauty.
 He explained that entire living universe is pervaded by him in his unmanifested state. When one kalpa ends everything merges into Krishna. When the another kalpa begins he emits them again.The concept of Kalpa  is very similar to the beginninng and end of universe.Scientists have recently propounded that Black hole are the doors for the beginning and end  of universe.They have the infinite potential to engulf everything inside them and in other words they are the door for destruction.Just like black hole white holes exists.White holes vomits matter and this may lead to the formation of universe.Therefore we can say that the Black hole is correctly called as” Krishna Vivar”.
 Even string theory traces its evidence in Bhagvad Gita. In string theory, the elementary particles could be thought of as the "musical notes" of elementary string. Due to the oscillation of string in certain way sometimes it behaves as electron sometimes as proton  or quark. Therefore all the forces are just the different modes of single string. Here we can compare “string” with the supreme power. The supreme being gives rise to everything and in the end everything dissolves in him.  
I  must say God Krishna has described physics of entire universe and laws of nature in most simple and elegant way.The mysteries which are uncovered  by the modern scientists  have already been elucidated by Krishna.
Also Lord Krishna in Bhagwad Gita enlighted us by mentioning that souls are immortal. They just use bodies like dresses to enjoy new life and leave these dresses in the form of death. After that the reincarnation happens where the soul acquires new body.
When we think and frame our view in accordance with science then souls can be compared to energy, Since they are the vital force behind life.
One of the scientist who is considered as the scientist of millennium is Albert Einstein. He explained , Energy cannot be created or destroyed; but can only be changed from one form to another. Similarly souls are like energy which keep changing there form(Bodies).

Further In our ancient Indian texts there is a description about eclipses. The famous Eclipse occurred during Mahabharata .At that time Lord Krishna  had skillfully and intelligently applied his knowledge for eclipse prediction. He was successful in saving the life of Arjuna.The accuracy with which eclipses have been predicted was really  incredible.
There are thousands of miraculous concepts which are still to be uncovered. Lord Krishna has described every mystery beautifully in the text Geeta.Geeta is not merely a holy text In fact  I would better regard it as the most comprehensive and elegant scientific literature which has answer for every unsolved mystery.
The  concept of relativity  may proved to be quite shocking to the western world but it is not new to the Indian culture..It is already described that the one eon  on earth is equal to the one day of lord Brahma’s world .This is what the relativity explains that the time is not absolute. It varies at the different points in the entire universe. One day of earth can never be equal to the timescale of different points in the universe.Infact in our culture the time and space were described  as interrelated to each other ,they were never being considered as the independent entity.
The cosmic  concepts explained by Lord Krishna are endless in their own existence .He has not only linked the time and space but he added the consciousness as the another dimension to them. The modern scientists  have yet to explain the mysterious relation between the three cosmic entities ;time ,space and consciousness.
In this universe everything is formless. Whether it is energy or matter ,or consciousness ,everything will dissolve into the zero field. The zero field is nothing but the point which give rise to this universe .The matter ,energy, consciousness are destined to loose their existence in it. In our Indian culture we have defined this zero field as “Nirgun Brahm”.This is the most favorable and desirable state which one should attain. When one realizes this state he will be bestowed with the platonic love and will attain the Mukti.The state where matter,energy ,consciousness loses their forms and become formless .
In order to attain that state Bhagwat geeta  of Krishna already describes the Mantras which I would truly regard as the mathematical formulas .Every node of these mantras are powerful enough to connect us with the infinite cosmic energy. These mathematical formulas are  beautifully engineered gifts which  are designed to  attain the formless state.
The Krishna is thus the omnipresent and inevitable truth of our life. His guidances are eternal which everyone should apply in their life.



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